Liberty, Justice, and health care for all!
It is indeed a crying shame that our government thinks more of our defense industry, oil industry, and tax cuts for millionaires than they do the citizens of the country.
The health care issue is not just an issue of children that lack health care. Is it not a fact that in every home of a child that does not have health care there is at least one adult, care giver, without health care as well? How are parents that lack adequate health care supposed to raise healthy children, also that do not have adequate health care?
The so-called moral majority has so-screwed the moral fiber of our society, and left the majority of citizens in anguish that it is insane. This majority includes any without health insurance, any on Medicaid, Medicare, and Veterans benefits.
One really must look at all of these areas, and the area of our levels of government concerning health care insurance, to understand the relativity of this problem. The health insurance industry is made up of normal benefit/cost organizations that are by nature stock driven and publicly financed.
When the health care insurance industry has a market that is shrinking, then, they must cover their costs by increasing their cash flow by raising their prices. This is old school economics. However, this has exacerbated the health care crisis in the United States.
Why is the health care insurance market shrinking? Government. Think of the list I just mentioned of people that are not included in the health care insurance market. When you add up all of the people with Medicaid, Medicare, Veteran's benefits, and the ones with government insurance (all tax payer financed) you can see the shrinkage of the private health insurance market.
The are 60.1 million unduplicated Medicaid recipients, and 39.6 million Medicare recipients. both HI (Hospital Insurance) and SMI (Supplemental Medical Insurance) inclusive. Factor in Veterans receiving VA medical benefits, and Governmental employees receiving government medical benefits and you have one-third to one-half of the United States population.
Now factor in the estimated 45 million people that are without any type of health care insurance and market comes into better focus. The federal government is already supplementing, or out right providing health care insurance for one-half of our citizen's, while another one-fifth cannot afford health insurance and do not qualify for government health care plans.
That leaves the insurance industry with just 30% of the population as a potential market for their product. Show my work, okay: 1/2 +1/5=7/10, therefore 70% are out of market,leaving just 30% within the health care insurance market. Is it any wonder health care insurance premiums have gone through the proverbial roof? They have to balance their books on the backs of just 30% of their total market.
Okay, Democratic congress, now you have the ball, so take the offense and do something with it!!
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