Mr. Bush's Idea of De-Criminalization?
What, I believe, we have here is the Bush Administration's ploy to make the Democrats look like they are witch hunting for more corruption in his administration, and not offering any real (on his terms) policies to "win the war on terror."
One would have to be either stupid, or sagacious to lay this at the feet of the Democratic-controlled Congress, and Karl Rove is not stupid! This is more Republican crap politics. I can hear the pigs whining all the way up here in the hills of NY. It's so twisted, like a effin' pretzel, that it is difficult to describe in a rational, logical string of words.
However, I'll try. When the lies really start to unravel, then, they must give up more to the Dems to investigate for the sake of investigating, and all of this investigating is in reality for the castigation of the democrats by the republicans.
What was the big republican complaint about democrats during and after Nixon/Watergate? In Nixon's own paranoid words, "They won't have Richard Nixon to kick around anymore." This meaning, the menacing democrats were so pissed of over Nixon's electoral victory that they were out to get him.
It is the same scenario today. The democrats are being set up to look like they are out to get George W. (Poppy) Bush. It is truly sad when the
facts speak in volumes that the republicans choose to run the other way and cry about the democrats not playing nice.
The day cannot come soon enough, for America and Americans, that we do not have George W. (Poppy) Bush to kick around. Because then he and his administration will stop kicking America and Americans around.
The Congress needs to step in and reinstate these fired U.S. Attorneys. If this goes unchecked, then, I'm afraid Mr. Bush's handpicked lawyers will continue kicking Americans around. Even when he is long out of office, as is supposed to happen in about a year and a half.
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