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10 March 2008

The FL and MI vote fiasco.

I am totally sorry for what your state democratic party leaders have done to your vote, but rules need to be maintained in any organization. Especially an organization the size of the DNC and which is responsible for bringing forth the best candidate [Obama ;~)] for our next president.

The biggest disturbing fact of this matter is that in Michigan there was only one democratic name on their ballot. Is that what you call democracy? The fact remains the name that was on the MI ballot never should have been there if that candidate had adhered to her pledge with the other candidates to not run in that primary. Furthermore, had her name not been on that ballot we would have a much clearer choice to enable us to redo that primary.

In Florida, it was the same thing except there were two names on the ballot and only one person actually campaigned in FL. I should add that at the time of this farce we still had five candidates.

So how do we now equitably just confer the delegates in an uncontested primary, and one in which was unfairly campaigned? Have a new primary in both states in question? How would that fly in say 2012, or 2016, when we do this again? Any state can just go willy-nilly and have their primary / caucus at their own whim?

As I said it's sad for the residents of FL and MI, but I think the best thing they can do for themselves is look to replacing their state Democratic Party leadership. So we do not have to deal with a fiasco like this again.


At Tuesday, 11 March, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

biggest disturbing fact of this matter is that in Michigan there was only one democratic name on their ballot. Is that what you call democracy? The fact remains the name that was on the MI ballot never should have been there if that candidate had adhered to her pledge with the other candidates to not run in that primary. Furthermore, had her name not been on that ballot we would have a much clearer choice to enable us to redo that primary.

In Florida, it was the same thing except there were two names on the ballot and only one person actually campaigned in FL. I should add that at the time of this farce we still had five candidates.”
Sir with all due respect both your statements are untrue check the facts below are copies of the election results you will note there are 8 count them 8 democratic candidates on the Florida ballot. Note also there are four Democrats on the Mi ballot as well as uncomitted. Both Senator Obama and John Edwards opted to be removed from the ballot Obama’s supporters were told to vote “uncomitted” which received 237,762 or 40% votes.
There you have it facts not fiction! And no I am not a Clinton supporter,UGH!
Candidate Votes %

Hillary Clinton
857,208 50%
Barack Obama
569,041 33%
John Edwards
248,604 14%
Joe Biden
15,429 1%
Bill Richardson
14,782 1%
Dennis Kucinich
9,537 1%
Chris Dodd
5,402 0%
Mike Gravel
5,261 0%
Candidate Vote % Delegates
Hillary Rodham Clinton 328,151 55.3% Delegates stripped by party.
Uncommitted 237,762 40.0
Dennis J. Kucinich 21,708 3.7
Christopher J. Dodd 3,853 0.6
Mike Gravel 2,363 0.4

At Tuesday, 11 March, 2008, Blogger JCWhite said...

You nailed this one 100%


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