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25 May 2011

Defend Medicare don't defund Medicare

Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) is just an arrogant young republican. His arrogance amazes me that he just does not (supposedly) get why people over 55 are against his plan when it doesn't effect them. He is trying his damnedest to create a generational divide.

The Republicans understand the demographics of voters that helped to elect Barack Obama. Older voters have traditionally voted conservative. Therefore, they are attempting to "protect" the older voters already on medicare, and those that will qualify for medicare benefits within seven to ten years. While at the same time attempting to win over the younger voters that are majorly concerned about their future being financed away.

It is a fact that younger voters do not consider insurance choices until much later in life. Therefore, if the republicans can create enough problems centered around medicare and social security the younger voters will become apathetic and not vote in the next presidential election.

Then Rep. Ryan accuses the Democrats of playing politics with health care coverage? Oh My God! What did the Republicans do from 2009 through the current time regarding the Affordable Care Act? Not one of them can refer to this Act by its real name. They still consistently refer to this Act as "Obama Care". They are attempting to defund this important initiative through the budgetary process, and then spin around and accuse the Democrats for playing politics for trying to stop them from tearing down Medicare.

The Republicans have lost the handle and are wildly out of control. They need to declare their agreements with Grover Norquist null and void. They need to consider what happened to George H.W. Bush because of this pledge to Norquist not to raise taxes. G.H.W. Bush knew what had to be done when he raised taxes back in 1991.  His presidency lasted only one term not because he raised taxed, but because of the pledge to Norquist. 

It is time that all republicans faced the fact that 'trickle-down economics' does not work.  Two presidents have embarked down this path, and those same two presidents brought about two of our biggest recessions.  It isn't about spending too much!  It is about maintaining the social values that have made our country great.  It is about becoming America and Americans again.


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