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19 March 2008

Happy War Mongers Day to all!

That's right. Happy War Mongers Day. It was on 19 March 2003 that our present administration, with the full backing of Project of the New American Century, began the task of permanently destabilizing our planet.

It was all done in the guise of our own safety and security. They strike us, and then we strike back; on steroids. The end result (no pun, please) has been a virtual reinstatement of the cold war with a twist, this time instead of just two super powers living in distrust of each others motives it is basically all of the planets governmental organizations.

Yep, War Mongers Day has been a huge success for the defense industry, the oil industry, and hell basically anyone whom dwells in the upper two percentile of income.

It's also so much easier having war than it was to try have peace. You know, drop a few bombs; launch a few cruise missiles, wipe out a civilization, or two, it's much easier than all that negotiation crap; talking; compromising... Naw, no more, now it's do it our way, or you're done.

Therefore, be sure to take your shotgun into the street tonight, or out onto your balcony if you're lucky enough to have one, and fire that baby at the moon. I mean the one in the sky, not your neighbors. We need to show our leaders how much we appreciate the freedom we feel for not having to learn how to have peace. NPAC forever, bay-bee! Make more war. No more peace. It's for our security don't cha know?


At Wednesday, 19 March, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

'We know that dictators are quick to choose aggression, while free nations strive to resolve differences in peace'

A quote from King George W. Bush.

At Wednesday, 19 March, 2008, Blogger marsha said...

It's not just you, the site is seriously messed up lately. Anyway, I notice and feel as you do.


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