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22 December 2006


Fond Memories,
Sleek curves bulging
In all the right places.
Gently slipping inside,
Enjoying the push,
Beyond the limit.
The suppleness of materialness,
Rubbing against skin, arousing
Instinctive manhood,
With uncontrollable passion.

Timing right,
Enjoying togetherness,
Passing everything,
Just to let go.
The rust spots had begun,
Showing age.
Spigot stimulus stretched,
No firmness,
Only sluggishness.

It is over now, ended,
Exclusion forced extinction.
By a world of change, smaller, tighter
No more hot blood, fluids congealing;
Steeping through worn fittings.
I shant miss my '74 Plymouth Duster.

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Child's Wish

 My daddy's sleeping,
In front of his guest,
Wearing his Sunday clothes.
All his friends and family gathered,
To sit by, to watch him sleep.
Mothers and brothers, aunts and sisters,
Uncles, sons and daughters converging, crying.
The minister orchestrating solemnity,
Quiet now.
Close the cover on his mahogany bed,
Uncles carry it away.

          Where are they taking daddy?

Farther away, where you have ever been.

          Let's follow; he's up there,
          I know, the cars driving slowly.

In the light rain,
He sets down no more tracks.

          Through the city,
          over the river,
          To grandma's house?

Up a narrow road,
To a meadow,
Beside a field of corn.

A crack in the rain,
The sun winks,
Goodbyes said,
Tears swallowed,
We leave the meadow.

          Looking through the raindrops
          On the car window,
          Hoping daddy's not sad.

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The meter reader is a stocky young man.

Every time he comes, he must

Empty the kitchen cupboard, just

So he can read the water meter.

It is a strange routine, his plumber's crack exposed,

The house built, around the kitchen

Sink, over the water meter.

To late to move the meter,

Or install a new meter. The routine

Is necessary, we are in charge.

This only compares to others,

Which do not meter theirs.

They must carry it on head

And shoulders for all to behold.

Through inconvenience, we can understand,

We can take it or leave it, or move it to mars.

Our reluctance solaced; we survive.

We ponder of others, who's past we suspect,

And wish for them, to meter theirs.


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21 December 2006

Say Uncle

I wrote this poem shortly after 9/11/2001

Oh, say ma,
By the way,
I do love you!!

Sorry ma, for being so deadened
In the name of freedom, there
Is no reason for resentment.

You must agree, though, lately
The temper tantrums,
Are much out of hand. Huh, what say?
I cannot hear your blighted
Utterance over the sound of our equality.

I love you, ma, but only because I do agree
With your main argument: that
There is only one God.
My heart has been saddened, that
Through our agreement, we learn
Only disagreement and hatred.

We are the stronger victim all right,
Now you’re a man without a world.
What do you mean the world hasn’t changed?
We annihilated your annihilation, we offered your
People our freedoms. They bit from our apple
And saw it is good.
The world is black and white,
We’re up and you’re down, in and out, back
And forth, over and under, through.

A spade is just a shovel, Muhammad and Jesus,
Two men under God. With liberty
And justice…

God bless America,
And forgive us our sin.
Please, thank you, and Amen.

david u a. l