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19 March 2008

Happy War Mongers Day to all!

That's right. Happy War Mongers Day. It was on 19 March 2003 that our present administration, with the full backing of Project of the New American Century, began the task of permanently destabilizing our planet.

It was all done in the guise of our own safety and security. They strike us, and then we strike back; on steroids. The end result (no pun, please) has been a virtual reinstatement of the cold war with a twist, this time instead of just two super powers living in distrust of each others motives it is basically all of the planets governmental organizations.

Yep, War Mongers Day has been a huge success for the defense industry, the oil industry, and hell basically anyone whom dwells in the upper two percentile of income.

It's also so much easier having war than it was to try have peace. You know, drop a few bombs; launch a few cruise missiles, wipe out a civilization, or two, it's much easier than all that negotiation crap; talking; compromising... Naw, no more, now it's do it our way, or you're done.

Therefore, be sure to take your shotgun into the street tonight, or out onto your balcony if you're lucky enough to have one, and fire that baby at the moon. I mean the one in the sky, not your neighbors. We need to show our leaders how much we appreciate the freedom we feel for not having to learn how to have peace. NPAC forever, bay-bee! Make more war. No more peace. It's for our security don't cha know?

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15 March 2008

Mom's Debt

I often times post some of my poetry and do not know why I did not post this poem, I wrote it three years ago, and I specifically like what it means about the love that ALL mothers present to their children, and how we children adapt to the will of our mothers without even realizing we are adapting; intuitively! I hope you enjoy this poem!

Mom's Debt

An unselfish love, always bending

And mending, even defending our

Hearts as a shield wielded;

Intuitively. Mom's rules; made

To break, until they become our lives;

Intuitively. Negotiate we do, but

Mom's will prevails, even through our

Postulation her regulation sustains us;

Intuitively. As we crawl into adulthood,

We thrust our resentment towards our

Tree of life, bitter fruit are we, our

Life no longer suckled, we declare

Life sucks! The tree bends not,

Now stiff from the circles run around her,

Firmly planted and awaiting to be cut down,

We finally learn her simple lesson;

Intuitively. Mom's never-ending

Friendliness, inspires us to find

Within ourselves the loving spirit,

Which enables our survival. In a

Chainsaw world, mom's obligatory debt

Must pass to all; intuitively.

By David A. Semans

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13 March 2008

Now a word about Governor Spitzer!

It has come to light that the new Governor from New York has repeatedly used the services of the world's oldest profession; PROSTITUTION! Oh me, oh my! How could this man be so human? I'll bet if we continue shaking this carpet we'll find many more politicians that have engaged in the profession of ill-repute. However, we won't disclose any information until it is convenient for us to use this information for political bounty.

What is this "Emperor's Club"? Did The Governor from New York drive his limo, or rather, his State Police body guard drive the governor's limo to a street corner deep into the bowels of New York City and pick up a homeless drug addict to perform some inarticulate and gross sexual act? No! This is a club for very rich, very influential people to remove their sexual tensions and/or anxieties. This Ashley Youmans knew what she was doing. She was earning quite a lucrative salary for doing it.

Now that a very good governors career has been ruined we can examine the importance of Mr. Spitzer's resignation over this issue. It's stupid, but it also sets precedent. We still currently have a Senator hanging out in Washington that picks up men in airport restrooms. Talk about sleazy! I would have much preferred if Senator Craig utilized an escort service, but he's still in office refusing to admit any wrong doing (he was set up ya know).

Thinking of being set up. I find it interesting that it was Attorney General Spitzer that broke up one of these "services" arresting 18 people, and now this happens to him. I feel sad for the loss of the people of New York. I also feel sad for the stress that this places on the former governor and his family.

How could he do this to his wife is the most opted question. To which I must reply with a rhetorical question of why does anyone think that the oldest profession is still a profession? Anybody would have to be a fool not to understand the stress on a relationship of couples in their forties and early fifties. I'm not going to get into titles and accusations because they are completely dolt. Also, I'm not making excuses for Mr. Spitzer, but I am just trying to look at this situation realistically, and realistically it is nobody's fault.

Therefore, the question I now have is why must we destroy a man's future because he was fulfilling a physiological need? Should he be censured? YES! Should he have to make remunerations for his actions? YES! But should he have his career destroyed and be dragged through the puritan fire pit? NO!

In conclusion, I bid farewell to who might have been New York's finest governor had our world not gone over the edge of puritan perfection. Politics truly is a nasty business.


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10 March 2008

The FL and MI vote fiasco.

I am totally sorry for what your state democratic party leaders have done to your vote, but rules need to be maintained in any organization. Especially an organization the size of the DNC and which is responsible for bringing forth the best candidate [Obama ;~)] for our next president.

The biggest disturbing fact of this matter is that in Michigan there was only one democratic name on their ballot. Is that what you call democracy? The fact remains the name that was on the MI ballot never should have been there if that candidate had adhered to her pledge with the other candidates to not run in that primary. Furthermore, had her name not been on that ballot we would have a much clearer choice to enable us to redo that primary.

In Florida, it was the same thing except there were two names on the ballot and only one person actually campaigned in FL. I should add that at the time of this farce we still had five candidates.

So how do we now equitably just confer the delegates in an uncontested primary, and one in which was unfairly campaigned? Have a new primary in both states in question? How would that fly in say 2012, or 2016, when we do this again? Any state can just go willy-nilly and have their primary / caucus at their own whim?

As I said it's sad for the residents of FL and MI, but I think the best thing they can do for themselves is look to replacing their state Democratic Party leadership. So we do not have to deal with a fiasco like this again.

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09 March 2008

Another hit by Colbert!

AT and Treason, a good clip from Colbert and Comedy Central. Call your Congress people now. This 'Protect America Act' is no more than a congressionally legislated presidential pardon for our telecommunication companies.